GEG Denmark had a meet up in May at the Google office in Copenhagen. Twice a year we meet to build the community even stronger and share knowledge and good ideas. The meet ups are alternately in the eastern part of Denmark or in the western part of Denmark to make sure that it is not always the same participants, that have to travel a long way. At this meet up representatives from 20 different municipalities participated - teachers, tech administrators, innovators, consultants and tech coaches.
When we meet in the community we always have an open agenda where all the participants contribute. We have different roles (inspire captain, share captain, empower captain and learn captain), but it is a flat structure where active participation is important.
It is always a hit to hear highlights from Google roadmap, so Jesper Knoop-Henriksen presented selected news. The group also discussed national initiatives of educational, didactic and technical nature.
An all-time favorite for meetups is demoslam. Here we encourage sharing and create a cheerful mood. Bendt got the price for the best demo slam - you can see his happy smile on the photo. Finally the location for the next meet up is chosen - the host is responsible for arranging in collaboration with the different captains.
GEG Denmark's greatest strength is the committed participants, so it must be cultivated.
Hi there! It's Anna here, an English elementary educator from Russia. I'd like to become a leader of GEGs in Russia=)