Webinar: First day with Google Classroom

On April 30, Vânia Flores (GEG Varginha Leader and Google Innovator), Tiago Cunha (GEG Vinhedo Leader, Google Trainer and Google Innovator) and Clarissa Bezerra (GEG Brasília Leader, Google Trainer and Google Innovator), talked with Marici Marchini (Googler) about their tips and strategies to prepare and support everyone for the first day with Classroom. Watch it here on demand.

The list with the next Webinars for Brazil is available here: gg.gg/eduonairagendaBR

EduOnAir Series in Spanish

On May 13th, Nay Belaunzarán, Mexican Leader of GEG Bajío was one of the special guests in the Sp EduOnAir in which she shared highlights about how to involve parents in distance learning.

Some of the topics are related to strategies on using Classroom or how to evaluate students in distance education. The last EduOnAir was particularly interesting because Mexican Leader of GEG CDMX, Jackie Bucio, presented her top 10 tips to create content for distance teaching and learning. Great ideas not only in COVID-19 moments but for your teaching strategies using technology!

EduOnAir is available to watch in Spanish, https://events.withgoogle.com/eduonairsp/agenda/#content.

GEG Changhua

由於 GEG 彰化的夥伴們在新冠病毒防疫期間在彰化縣辦理了一連串停課不停學的學習線上活動,
利用網站、各種研習活動和老師們分享如果停課時,該如何運用 GSuite 相關服務來進行居家遠距教學。
也因此榮獲我們教育處的邀請 代表 GEG 彰化社群和縣長座談的機會,分享這陣子的推展情形,

GEG's partners in Changhua conducted a series of online learning activities in Changhua County during the New Corona Virus Epidemic Prevention.

They developed a website with various study activities where teachers shared how to use GSuite related services for home distance teaching. As a result, they were invited by the Education Department to represent the GEG Changhua community and the county governor to have an opportunity to discuss the development situation of this time. They had the opportunity to let the county governor know that there are teachers in Changhua County who silently give, share, and grow for education.

GEG Nagoya

GEG Nagoya has been busy with their series of webinars. Their most recent one is all about Classroom activities using Google Forms. Watch the recording here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NOv8TAiFnmE

Join the Twitter chat #GEGUK - Wellness while home working

On Thursday 14th May at 5pm BST/12pm EST/9am PST GEG UK hosted a Twitter chat in conjunction with @feelbetteredu. The theme was “Wellness while home working” and gave educators experiencing screen fatigue, some inspiration and support. Please view the chat using #GEGUK

Teaching Online Feedback

Mote Extension - Ideal for giving feedback during distance learning

We know that giving feedback is crucial to improve performance and enhance learning, but until now we were limited to written feedback in Google Classroom or adding links to externally recorded feedback. The new extension Mote offers teachers a way to give verbal feedback directly within Google Classroom. Simply highlight some text, add a comment and the record button is within the comment section. Mote not only records but also gives a written transcript. Perfect for the busy teacher.

Top reasons for giving verbal feedback:
  • Less misunderstanding of the meaning
  • Uses, tone, and inflection
  • Reduces workload as it is quicker for the teacher
  • Keeps a connection with your students as they like to hear their teacher’s voice
As always please always read the privacy policies before downloading any apps or extensions. Here is the privacy policy for Mote.

Download Mote from the Chrome Webstore

Suggestions on staying safe when using apps

Many members are keen to download new apps, but have they learnt how to keep themselves safe? Please share these simple tips.
  • Don’t install any app on a whim or just because everyone else is using it. Do some research first, read ratings, read the privacy policies and terms of use.
  • Regularly remove apps that you no longer use to protect you further.
  • Update apps you do use to keep them secure

Before you download, check:
  • What privacy permissions are being asked for. Do they seem reasonable? If not, don’t use it
  • If you are being asked for all your contacts, access to remove, change or delete files in all your Google Drive, your camera and mic ask yourself “Does this app need this?”
Many of us tend to ignore these thinking that we will just get a few ads. But it’s more than the ads, you may be giving away personal information which can lead to more serious problems. Think about an app that can view or delete all files in your Google Drive. What other personal files do you have that you don’t want others to have access to?

The 2020 Google Certified Innovator Academies have been canceled - Virtual Academies on their way!

Please let your members know that the team is working hard to reimagine this Academy to online delivery. Follow the hashtag #VIA20 to find out when the first Virtual Innovator Academy will be announced.

Korea Edu Webinars

Korean teachers have been implementing Google for Education in their online classes across the country. In collaboration with Google For Education, GEGs in Korea, a Google for Education Partner and Korean teachers a series of webinars have been run this week to combat disruption to learning in schools.

COVID-19로 많은 학생들이 등교하지 못하고 있으며, 선생님들은 원격교육준비로 어려움을 겪고 있습니다.
많은 선생님들과 학생들의 원활한 원격수업 진행을 위한 Webinar(온라인 세미나)가 곧 시작됩니다.

Google for Education, GEG (Google Educator Group), ATC(초등컴퓨팅교사협회), 그리고 아이코어이앤씨(Google 교육 파트너)는
온라인 개학을 맞이한 일선 학교 선생님들이 G Suite for Education과 Google Classroom 사용방법을 효과적으로 학습할 수 있는 웨비나를 개최합니다.

Please visit Korea Edu Webinars Google Site for the complete schedule and links to recordings.

Flipped Classroom Webinar: from in-person to online

On April 15th, Google for Education, Brazil team, supported by GEG Leaders and Google Innovators, led the second webinar of a series that will help educators with the challenges of distance learning during COVID-19 pandemic. Cris Mendes (GEG Governador Valadares Leader, Google Innovator and Google Trainer), Marcelo de Camargo (GEG Itapetininga Leader, Google Innovator and Google Product Expert) and Felipe Nóbrega (School’s Principal in Volta Redonda, RJ) discussed flipping the classroom and going from in-person to online learning. If you missed it, please watch it on-demand here.

Special thanks to Andrea, Ariel, Carla, Cris, Felipe, Fernanda, Leonor, Marcelo, Marici and all the Google for Education team, GEG Leaders and Google Innovators involved, as well as all the teachers that shared their questions and experiences during the broadcasting.

GEG Community Map Update

It is that time again - please submit your updated map information to this form. Please note that to be shown on the map GEGs must also submit the link to the GEG Google Group.

The GEG map will link to the GEG Group and other social link - if these were submitted.

Once again - please do submit your Google Group to this form to be fully included in the directory!

Teaching Online - Feedback

One on One Support for teachers from the ANZ Google for Education Community

When schools across Australia and New Zealand were closed, the local GEG Leaders, together with Google Certified Innovators and Trainers from the ANZ region, stepped up to provide their expertise. They quickly mobilized to create a way for teachers to get some free 1 on 1 guidance to deal with the sudden shift to remote learning.

They started with a brainstorming session over Meet and decided that a “helpdesk” model, where teachers could get advice and ideas from an experienced Google Educator would be something that teachers would find really helpful. They quickly set up a Google Site with a Google Form, created a Google Group, and used social media and word of mouth to let educators know about it. The system is simple - teachers fill in a form to request assistance, which emails the Group, then someone from the Group picks up the request and makes an appointment to help them.

In its first week of operation, the group has provided over 7 hours of remote support, and the demand continues to grow as more teachers find out about the service. Over 70% of requests are responded to within an hour, and the feedback from teachers so far rates the service as 4.86 out of 5.

Some of the comments from teachers include…

“Super efficient service provided with step by step instructions. A fabulous service to teachers who are struggling to assist students with remote learning.”

“Your support today was invaluable and will save me many hours of frustration in the future”

“Knowing there is this support makes working online inspiring!”

“This really was excellent advice and support. I really appreciate the quick response and willingness to demonstrate how to set up and use Google products. Thank you!”

Their work has attracted the attention of Googlers and the interest of other GEG groups around the world. Stay tuned for more from this amazing ANZ Google Educator Community!

New Meet features to improve distance learning

Google Meet has had many changes over the past weeks. A few days ago new features that give educators more control over their meetings, including limiting who can mute or remove other participants, who can allow external users to join, and more were added. Make sure you check out the blog to be up-to-date with the latest features. Learn more.

GEG Canberra Professional Development opportunities

Geg Canberra goes online with webinars to support members through Google Certified Educator Level 1 between May and June. Other great opportunities are Digitech in the early years and 8 ways of Aboriginal Learning.

Register here: https://www.smore.com/3hc82

Register Here

Distance Learning with Applied Digital Skills

If you are looking for simple solutions to distance learning then it may be time to take a look at Applied Digital Skills. Google has put together 4 collections of lessons:
  • Work from anywhere
  • Teach from anywhere
  • Online safety and digital well being
  • Learn from anywhere
The ‘Teach from anywhere’ is a collection of 6 lessons, five 45-90 mins long, and one 3-4 hours in length.

The photo story in Google Docs is an easy one to get started on with examples such as weekly reflections on books students are reading, favourite song of the week or weekly science experiments. You could also suggest a photo log of the isolation period reflecting on positives such as more time with parents, exercising or eating together, regular video chats with friends and loved ones.

At the end of the lessons, when you think you have learnt all there is on offer, Google have added a range of extension activities to extend the learning even further.

Each lesson comes with video tutorials, a transcript with hyperlinks back to the video sections, a lesson plan, rubric, certificate of completion and some also allow downloading the videos to watch offline. Teachers have access to a progress review to track how well each student is completing the task.

There’s never been a better time to use these resources for distance learning as they are free and ready to use.

To get started go to https://applieddigitalskills.withgoogle.com/ and when you sign in please make sure you are logged in with your organisational account.