Announcing: Workbench Education Events Toolkit for GEG Leaders!

Workbench is Google’s newly acquired (2018) platform to find, share and explore everything from standards aligned content, lesson plans, courses and much more.

This new Workbench Event Toolkit will enable GEGs to run an event introducing educators to Workbench and enabling them to get started on the platform.

Whether teachers want to find a lesson to use in their class, explore a STEAM activity or share any resources that a teacher has created then Workbench can enable that for you.

Acquired by Google last year, Workbench is a content library for educators to discover, create, remix, and share lessons and resources. At ISTE 2019 Google launched a new integration with the Workbench Blockly programming canvas and Google Sheets. This enables users to build Blockly programs to control multiple Bluetooth devices (robots, drones, sensors, microcontrollers) and send that data to or retrieve data from Google Sheets.

Check out this Event Toolkit in the Events in a Box page on the GEG Leaders Portal and search fro Workbench - and if you run this event with your GEG don’t forget to report it in the Edu Activity App! (Please note only GEG Leaders have access to the GEG Leader Portal - if you are a GEG member and want to join or run this event please speak to your local GEG Leader).

1 comment:

  1. This Is An Excellent Post I Seen. I Have To Thanks To You To Share It It Is Really What I Wanted To See Hope In Future You Will Continue For Sharing
    Workbench Education
