Welcome to the new GEGs

Well we made it through the summer and are all now settling back into a new routine maybe fully online, hybrid delivery or face to face. Through lockdowns we have seen GEGS grow, collaborate, support thousands of members and encourage new members to join them. We have also seen webinars, new launches, live panels and twitter chats all appearing on GEG Twitter feeds. What a fantastic achievement, well done for all your hard work. This is all amazing work, so when you have a few minutes, please write up a very brief article celebrating any event you are particularly proud of and add a screenshot or photo along with 200 - 330 words to this form. GEG leaders, if you are supporting new GEGs to launch please ensure they know about this form . We can then all celebrate your successes together in the newsletter.

These new GEGs would welcome some followers so please help them out where you can:

@GegArmenia - Colombia

@GegUdonthani - Thailand