Special Mention: GEG Taiwan and GEG HK
Whilst the ongoing global health crisis develops, initially the Covid19 infections were restricted to a small number of countries. Schools were closing and people were already being put in isolation. The early efforts of GEG Taiwan and GEG HK enabled teachers and students to continue their classes and brought a whole new group of teachers together through Google for Education. Sundar Pichai made special note of this in the recent blog post “COVID-19: How we’re continuing to help”.
Thank you to GEG Taiwan, GEG HK, and all the GEG leaders and members worldwide that have supported (and continue to support) schools, teachers and learners at this time.
How can GEGs help - GEG Outreach
GEG Program is curating Playlists of videos and webinars to support teachers worldwide. Check out these Playlists that have already brought together a lot of GEG created specifically to cater to teachers now teaching remotely.
We are eager to hear how you and your community are using Google tools to create powerful distance learning experiences so that we can highlight and share these best practices.
Please visit this Form to submit any videos or webinars for featuring in a GEG Playlist thanks!
We are eager to hear how you and your community are using Google tools to create powerful distance learning experiences so that we can highlight and share these best practices.
Please visit this Form to submit any videos or webinars for featuring in a GEG Playlist thanks!
Global GEG Staffroom: Mental Health Matters
GEG UK, GEG Ohio, GEG Mid North Coast and GEG California are hosting a series of Google Hangouts aimed at supporting teachers to navigate the current global crisis caused by the COVID19 pandemic. Through discussion with many teachers, the GEGs have discovered that many of us are struggling with a feeling of overwhelment, stress and a heavy burden being placed on us and so we want to offer you the chance to have a chat with a bunch of likeminded teachers and ask those burning EdTech questions about how you can best support your school and students. We can't promise it, but we hope that having a chance to chat, laugh and talk with us might help you to feel a bit less overwhelmed (just don't talk to Abid about Vegemite!)
Please use this form to sign up for the hangouts - you won't be expected to speak unless you want to (although it would be great if you could at least introduce yourself). Remember, a problem shared is a problem halved so don't be shy about getting involved.
Please use this form to sign up for the hangouts - you won't be expected to speak unless you want to (although it would be great if you could at least introduce yourself). Remember, a problem shared is a problem halved so don't be shy about getting involved.
GEG UK relaunch with Data Studio Webinar
GEG UK relaunched on March 9th 2020 with its first webinar on Data Studio, expertly delivered by Chris Smith. It’s great to see the GEG UK being revived with a new leader, Abid Patel, who will certainly get networking and bring guest speakers in to chat.
AI for Everyone to Make the World Better
GEG Gyeonggi co-leaders, Judy Kim and Hyungwook Kim together with GEG Busan leader Boonyeo Lee, developed ‘AI for Everyone to make the World Better’. The captains of both South Korean GEGs and their students used Google Colaboratory (Colab) and the data they collected during school projects to run cross-curricular tutorials for teachers to integrate Artificial Intelligence (AI) in their schools.
The tutorials covered mapping, analyzing and visualizing collected data using Colab and Google Earth Engine including AI literacy and were designed to support K12 teachers to design digital curriculum and content across all school subjects. They are looking forward to seeing the impact of the GEG Gyeonggi and GEG Busan collaboration projects in schools in 2020.
The tutorials covered mapping, analyzing and visualizing collected data using Colab and Google Earth Engine including AI literacy and were designed to support K12 teachers to design digital curriculum and content across all school subjects. They are looking forward to seeing the impact of the GEG Gyeonggi and GEG Busan collaboration projects in schools in 2020.
GEG Nagoya’s YouTube live episode 3
Find each recorded episode and future announcements here.
Enabling Distance Learning with G Suite & Chromebooks
As illness and other factors prevent students from attending school in-person, how might educators leverage powerful tools to extend learning to home environments? Jennie Magiera, Global Head of Education Impact hosts an hour webinar to share how.
Volunteer students preparing for #GEGAndalucía
On March 20 and 21 Seville will host the #GEGAndalucía event in @ColePortaceli. Over 300 teachers will meet and share ideas to improve education but this would not be possible without the great help of the students who collaborate as volunteers.
The volunteers have decorated the school and placed all the signage. During the event, they are in charge of the schedule running to plan, everything being organised and ensuring the participants feel comfortable.
In short, volunteer students are indispensable in an event like this. For their selfless help, THANK YOU.
The volunteers have decorated the school and placed all the signage. During the event, they are in charge of the schedule running to plan, everything being organised and ensuring the participants feel comfortable.
In short, volunteer students are indispensable in an event like this. For their selfless help, THANK YOU.
Collaborative efforts against COVID-19 impact on Education Community
GEG Leaders, Google Innovators and Google for Education Partners are working hard to support the education community in Brazil during this tough moment with the spread of Coronavirus. Best practices and materials are being shared:
- A Google Classroom was created to share tips, tools and ideas from educators to educators on distance learning (classroom.google.com / code: 42syyuc). We already reached the full capacity of the first room and opened the 2nd: xr6zmqv. A @gmail.com account needs to be used to get access.
- Collaborative Document with Strategies and Resources for Online Education:
- Google Innovators in Brazil are opening 30 minutes slots in their agendas for 1:1 Hangouts for mentoring colleagues across the country.
- A Live on the GEG Brazil channel on March 18th, 7pm (BRT) with the participation of GEG leaders and Innovators.
- For teachers and educators who wish to contribute with any material or resource, we have opened a form to collect contributions - the more the better!
- Our amazing partners mobilized and developed content, structured lives, online support and many other ways to support not only their customers but also extended these resources to unlimited access. Their contents are also available in the GEG Brasil Classroom (code: xr6zmqv).
GEG Governador Valadares planning for 2020
GEG Governador Valadares, in Brazil, started 2020 promoting greater connexions between educators and sharing initiatives they will be working throughout the year. Their meeting on February 28 had great energy and a fun Bingo game with G Suite activities. Congratulations to Cris Mendes and all leaders involved!
A different - and funny - way to play Bingo with G Suite activities!
A special meeting with GEG Governador Valadares
CoronaVirus closing schools? Explore Distance Learning with GEG Taiwan!
The return to school was postponed for 2 weeks for local schools in Taiwan due to nCoV. GEG Taiwan gathered volunteer educators to conduct a series of webinars to share how to utilize Google tools under the context of distance learning. The topics include: Digitalise your Teaching Materials, Breaking the Geography Limitation with Google Classroom, Meeting You Online with Hangouts Meet, and Instant feedback & peer evaluation. The YouTube playlist can be found here http://bit.ly/gegncov
Brian Meehan, Director of Digital Learning Kaohsiung American School (KAS) also hosted a Hangouts Meet with Taiwan educators to share the digital measures that they adopted to monitor the travel history and health condition of faculty and students. The School’s System Analyst, Lena Wang, was also generous enough to provide the templates that they used and shared with the educators in need.
Special thanks to GEG educators involved: Ching-Ying Lin (Kaohsiung), Fang-ru Lin (Yilan), Foolking Wang (Taoyuan), Phyllis Lin (Kaohsiung), Andy Cheng (Tainan), Wayne Chien (Yilan), Ruth Yeh (Taipei), Andrea Chow (Taipei). This immediate response shows the generosity and compassion of the GEGs and their ability to react quickly to support teachers and students in their district.
Brian Meehan, Director of Digital Learning Kaohsiung American School (KAS) also hosted a Hangouts Meet with Taiwan educators to share the digital measures that they adopted to monitor the travel history and health condition of faculty and students. The School’s System Analyst, Lena Wang, was also generous enough to provide the templates that they used and shared with the educators in need.
Special thanks to GEG educators involved: Ching-Ying Lin (Kaohsiung), Fang-ru Lin (Yilan), Foolking Wang (Taoyuan), Phyllis Lin (Kaohsiung), Andy Cheng (Tainan), Wayne Chien (Yilan), Ruth Yeh (Taipei), Andrea Chow (Taipei). This immediate response shows the generosity and compassion of the GEGs and their ability to react quickly to support teachers and students in their district.
Google HK & GEG Live + Q&A
Google 香港與Google 教育社群(GEG)一連兩週舉辦四場【Google 香港與GEG 直播 + 現場解答】網上工作坊,介紹 G Suite for Education 的應用心得,重點講解當中的 Google Hangouts Meet 及 Google Classroom 工具。錄像重溫現已陸續上載至YouTube以供參考.
Google Hong Kong is partnering with the local GEGs to organize four “Google HK & GEG Live + Q&A” Webinars, introducing tips & tricks of using G Suite for Education with the focus on Google Hangouts Meet & Google Classroom tools. Recordings are being uploaded on YouTube.
Recordings: https://bit.ly/37PBrNj
Google Hong Kong is partnering with the local GEGs to organize four “Google HK & GEG Live + Q&A” Webinars, introducing tips & tricks of using G Suite for Education with the focus on Google Hangouts Meet & Google Classroom tools. Recordings are being uploaded on YouTube.
Recordings: https://bit.ly/37PBrNj
Google Japan YouTube Playlist
日本でも、新型ウィルス感染拡大防止の対策として通学ができない状態が続いても、学習者の学ぶ機会を喪失させない、また孤立させないプラットフォームとしてオンラインサービスの活用の注目度が上がり始めています。GEG Programなどの国を越えた有志教育者の活動をはじめ、学校組織として何ができるか、を考える教員の輪が広がりつつあることを実感しています。
YouTube 再生リストはこちら
GEG Shinjuku and other GEGs have started creating and publishing tutorial videos and webinar videos. We have put together these videos and created a GEG Japan playlist. We hope these videos will be helpful for teachers who are starting Distance Learning for the first time.
Here is Norio from GEG Shinjuku with his message -
COVID-19 is also affecting Japan and many schools have decided to shut down. To support the learning, online services are starting to be used as a platform. Borderless activities by individual educators like GEG Programs are making the teachers think what they can do as an institution. I hope students’ online learning is accessible to everyone in the near future, and that will allow the learners to study anytime they want.
Here is the YouTube playlist.
日本でも、新型ウィルス感染拡大防止の対策として通学ができない状態が続いても、学習者の学ぶ機会を喪失させない、また孤立させないプラットフォームとしてオンラインサービスの活用の注目度が上がり始めています。GEG Programなどの国を越えた有志教育者の活動をはじめ、学校組織として何ができるか、を考える教員の輪が広がりつつあることを実感しています。
YouTube 再生リストはこちら
GEG Shinjuku and other GEGs have started creating and publishing tutorial videos and webinar videos. We have put together these videos and created a GEG Japan playlist. We hope these videos will be helpful for teachers who are starting Distance Learning for the first time.
Here is Norio from GEG Shinjuku with his message -
COVID-19 is also affecting Japan and many schools have decided to shut down. To support the learning, online services are starting to be used as a platform. Borderless activities by individual educators like GEG Programs are making the teachers think what they can do as an institution. I hope students’ online learning is accessible to everyone in the near future, and that will allow the learners to study anytime they want.
Here is the YouTube playlist.
Caravan to Fukuoka
まだGEG が存在しない土地にリーダーが出向き、その地域の先生と共にワークショップを行うイベントである、GEG Caravan が福岡県の東福岡高校で2月23日(日)に行われました。
当日はGEG Leader のトークセッションや、ワークショップなど、G Suite を活用した授業アイデアの交換やディスカッションを行いました。G Suite を初めて利用する先生も多く、終了後は「もっと学びたい!」という嬉しい言葉をたくさんいただきました。
今後もGEG Caravan を通して日本のICTを活用した教育の推進と発展を支えたいと思います。
On February 23rd, GEGs (mainly in Osaka region) traveled to Fukuoka Prefecture where currently there is no GEG. 69 educators (29 public school teachers, 35 private school teachers, 3 from BOE and 2 others) joined the workshop and exchanged practical tips and ideas. Feedback showed it was well received and the educators are keen for more continuously learning to follow! We look forward to seeing more visits in the future to support ICT use across Japan.
当日はGEG Leader のトークセッションや、ワークショップなど、G Suite を活用した授業アイデアの交換やディスカッションを行いました。G Suite を初めて利用する先生も多く、終了後は「もっと学びたい!」という嬉しい言葉をたくさんいただきました。
今後もGEG Caravan を通して日本のICTを活用した教育の推進と発展を支えたいと思います。
On February 23rd, GEGs (mainly in Osaka region) traveled to Fukuoka Prefecture where currently there is no GEG. 69 educators (29 public school teachers, 35 private school teachers, 3 from BOE and 2 others) joined the workshop and exchanged practical tips and ideas. Feedback showed it was well received and the educators are keen for more continuously learning to follow! We look forward to seeing more visits in the future to support ICT use across Japan.
What does your current experience with technology look like?
Why not direct your members to share this website and make some changes! https://wellbeing.google/
2020 Google Innovator dates announced
Google give free access to premium features for GSuite users to help distance learning due to Covid-19
As more employees, staff, and students work remotely, in response to the spread of COVID-19, Google wants to do our part to help them stay connected and productive.
All GSuite customers can use Hangouts Meet today for easy to join video calls, and we'll soon enable free access to more advanced features for all GSuite Additions.
All the details can be found here:
Webinar: Enabling Distance Learning with G Suite and Chrome
Join Jennie Magiera, Global Head of Education Impact, as we outline common challenges, and offer quick tips for implementing distance learning through technology. Please register here.
As illness and other factors prevent students from attending school in-person, how might educators leverage powerful tools to extend learning to home environments? Join Jennie Magiera, Global Head of Education Impact, as we outline common challenges, and offer quick tips for implementing distance learning through technology.
1pm PST / 4pm EST / 10pm CET / 4am ICT / 5am SGT (Asian times are Friday)
The broadcast will be recorded so if you cannot make the live broadcast, please stay tuned for the recording.
All GSuite customers can use Hangouts Meet today for easy to join video calls, and we'll soon enable free access to more advanced features for all GSuite Additions.
All the details can be found here:
Webinar: Enabling Distance Learning with G Suite and Chrome
Join Jennie Magiera, Global Head of Education Impact, as we outline common challenges, and offer quick tips for implementing distance learning through technology. Please register here.
As illness and other factors prevent students from attending school in-person, how might educators leverage powerful tools to extend learning to home environments? Join Jennie Magiera, Global Head of Education Impact, as we outline common challenges, and offer quick tips for implementing distance learning through technology.
1pm PST / 4pm EST / 10pm CET / 4am ICT / 5am SGT (Asian times are Friday)
The broadcast will be recorded so if you cannot make the live broadcast, please stay tuned for the recording.
APAC GEG Live - Coming Soon!
APAC GEGs are currently planning another GEG Weekend Live event for April 17-19, 2020. Now is your opportunity to get involved. If you would like to propose a session you would like to host please see details and signup here.
GEG Outreach
Schools in the region have been forced to suspend/delay the start of school due to the coronavirus outbreak. We are doing outreach work in Asia (and globally!) to teach educators how to use Google tools for distance learning. Thank you for volunteering time to help teach educators how to use online tools for distance learning. (新型コロナウィルスの影響により多くの学校が休校措置になり始めました。私たちはGoogleツールを遠隔授業で使用したいアジア太平洋地域の先生方を支援するために活動を開始しました。遠隔授業をするためのオンラインツールを勉強したい先生方のためにお手伝いいただける方々を募集いたします。ご支援ありがとうございます。)
Please contribute your webinar or video here. Videos will be featured based upon their language of instruction and how recent the recording was made (preference is given to content <6 months old).
Please contribute your webinar or video here. Videos will be featured based upon their language of instruction and how recent the recording was made (preference is given to content <6 months old).
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