Inspiring creativity and sustainability
In Brazil, Adriana Chagas, GEG Natal Leader, developed a project of sustainability with her 6th-grade students using STEAM. They created a “Reading House” with used plastic bins; on the rear side, there is a secret entrance made from an old refrigerator customized by students. There is also a rainwater harvesting system. Congratulations to Adriana and all the young students for the creative ideas on this inspiring initiative!
Lakes Entrance/Bairnsdale GEG - First Meeting
GEG Leader, Maria Etheridge, in collaboration with Computer Science Education Research (CSER), held 2 separate GEG events introducing regional teachers to the GEG Program. Bairnsdale and Lakes Entrance GEG is the first EdTech network in the East Gippsland (VIC) region, and their first meeting was able to introduce local educators to what CSER has to offer through their free online learning (MOOCS) and lending library resources.
YouTube Live for GEG Brazil
The year is coming to an end and it is a good opportunity to review the 2019 playlist of GEG Brazil live. Some of the topics discussed are Khan Academy, Design Thinking for Educators and Data Studio. American Googlers joined two of these live hangouts. Great stuff GEG Brasil, we hope to see more for 2020.
You're Invited: Innovators on Edu onAir!
6 of our Innovators from the first cohort of TED Masterclass will be showcasing their TED talks virtually for Google Edu OnAir.
Transformation TED Talks
December 11, 2019 5:00PM―6:00PM PST
Ever wanted to host your own TED Talk? Join us to hear from the TED Masterclass team as they detail best practices for public speaking and crafting your very own TED Talk. Then we'll hear Google Certified Innovators share a series of 5-minute inspirational TED Talks all rooted in the theme of transformation. Join us for a few end of year sparks of inspiration with Q & A after each talk.
Please RSVP
Transformation TED Talks
December 11, 2019 5:00PM―6:00PM PST
Ever wanted to host your own TED Talk? Join us to hear from the TED Masterclass team as they detail best practices for public speaking and crafting your very own TED Talk. Then we'll hear Google Certified Innovators share a series of 5-minute inspirational TED Talks all rooted in the theme of transformation. Join us for a few end of year sparks of inspiration with Q & A after each talk.
Please RSVP
Google Assistant My Storytime
Jennifer Oliver, an educator, and military spouse helped designers of Google Nest develop an inspiring new product called My Storytime. Now, no matter where you are, you can visit to create a private account for your family and begin building your library of recorded stories. And once shared with the parent back home, all they have to say is “Hey Google, talk to My Storytime” to hear your personal stories. This is so inspirational and will enhance the lives of many children.
My Storytime might also be used in schools that have Google Home Minis. It might also be a great feature to add to one of your GEG meetings, to make your members aware of it - or even demo the service if you have access to a Home Mini!
My Storytime might also be used in schools that have Google Home Minis. It might also be a great feature to add to one of your GEG meetings, to make your members aware of it - or even demo the service if you have access to a Home Mini!
GEG-Soutx Podcast
Carlos Garza, GEG SOUTX leader, has a great podcast featuring Mark Wagner, CEO of EdTechTeam, discussing what it takes to attend the Certified Google Innovator Academy. Listen to the full podcast - Google Innovator Academy Episode 24
October: Teachers’ month full of GEG activities in Brazil celebrating Google Classroom's 5th Birthday!
GEG Brazil celebrated Teachers’ month with a marathon of Google Classroom activities across the country and online. Congratulations to all teachers that have the power to transform education and change the world!
More than 40 meetups to discuss Professional Development, Educational Technologies and how to transform the classroom!
GEG Brasil Instagram was so active and lots of connections were made!
Check the map and the website page!
As part of this month-long series of events they also hosted a GEG Live on October 30, the 5th anniversary of Google Classroom, with GEGs leaders invited to join the live meeting and share their experiences with this Google tool.
More than 40 meetups to discuss Professional Development, Educational Technologies and how to transform the classroom!
GEG Brasil Instagram was so active and lots of connections were made!
Check the map and the website page!
As part of this month-long series of events they also hosted a GEG Live on October 30, the 5th anniversary of Google Classroom, with GEGs leaders invited to join the live meeting and share their experiences with this Google tool.
New GEG leaders
A big welcome to these new GEG members!
GEG Canoas: Hiasmin Amaral Pinheiro
GEG Tsukuba: Ai Yugen
GEG João Pessoa: Marcela Henrique de Freitas
GEG Chungnam: Bella Seoyoung Kim
GEG Sungai Buloh: Adrianna Astle
GEG Ijuí: Diogo Mendes
GEG Santiago: Cesar Cid
GEG Tacna: Lourdes Veronica Gonzales Garambel
GEG Armenia: Oscar Andrés Calderón Bedoya
GEG CDMX: Roberta Mazzariol Volpe Aquio
GEG Armenia: José Oswaldo Molano Vargas
GEG Lambayeque: Alys Magna Chumacero Herna
GEG Salvador: Margarete Barbosa
GEG Gyeongbuk: Sung yoon Jung
GEG Gyeonggi: Jungeun Kim
GEG Gyeongnam: Sangyoon Jeon
GEG-SOUTX: Carlos Garza
GEG Canoas: Hiasmin Amaral Pinheiro
GEG Tsukuba: Ai Yugen
GEG João Pessoa: Marcela Henrique de Freitas
GEG Chungnam: Bella Seoyoung Kim
GEG Sungai Buloh: Adrianna Astle
GEG Ijuí: Diogo Mendes
GEG Santiago: Cesar Cid
GEG Tacna: Lourdes Veronica Gonzales Garambel
GEG Armenia: Oscar Andrés Calderón Bedoya
GEG CDMX: Roberta Mazzariol Volpe Aquio
GEG Armenia: José Oswaldo Molano Vargas
GEG Lambayeque: Alys Magna Chumacero Herna
GEG Salvador: Margarete Barbosa
GEG Gyeongbuk: Sung yoon Jung
GEG Gyeonggi: Jungeun Kim
GEG Gyeongnam: Sangyoon Jeon
GEG-SOUTX: Carlos Garza
Reigniting the GEG in Georgia
On Thursday, November 7, 2019, Carrie Siegmund, a #Lon19 Google Innovator, teamed up with Erin Fields, the Southeast Program manager for Google for Education, to host a social meet up for Google Educators, Trainers and Innovators at the Georgia Educational Technology Conference (GaETC).
Participants had the opportunity to network and make connections with Google for EDU educators by participating in a competitive Find a Google for EDU Friend Who activity. This activity encouraged participants to approach and make connections with others who specialize in a certain Google for EDU tool or approach. But most importantly it encouraged NEW conversations and relationships with others who are passionate about teaching and learning and Google for EDU! Lucky winners were rewarded with some cool Google Swag too.
However, the most exciting news to come from the social meet was that participants expressed a sincere interest in getting a GEG back up and running in Georgia. Several participants volunteered to get the conversation started and two leaders have already signed up to be the leader, Rhonda Stroud #NYC19, and co-leader Leslie Fagin #WDC17! Stay tuned for additional details about this GEG movement in Georgia!
Participants had the opportunity to network and make connections with Google for EDU educators by participating in a competitive Find a Google for EDU Friend Who activity. This activity encouraged participants to approach and make connections with others who specialize in a certain Google for EDU tool or approach. But most importantly it encouraged NEW conversations and relationships with others who are passionate about teaching and learning and Google for EDU! Lucky winners were rewarded with some cool Google Swag too.
However, the most exciting news to come from the social meet was that participants expressed a sincere interest in getting a GEG back up and running in Georgia. Several participants volunteered to get the conversation started and two leaders have already signed up to be the leader, Rhonda Stroud #NYC19, and co-leader Leslie Fagin #WDC17! Stay tuned for additional details about this GEG movement in Georgia!
New Audio Feature in Google Slides
This week Google rolled out Adding Audio Files to Google Slide Decks, a long-awaited feature many of us are pleased to see. Make sure your GEG members are aware of the additional feature. created a simple little how-to guide “How to Add Audio to Google Slides”.
Announcing: Workbench Education Events Toolkit for GEG Leaders!
Workbench is Google’s newly acquired (2018) platform to find, share and explore everything from standards aligned content, lesson plans, courses and much more.
This new Workbench Event Toolkit will enable GEGs to run an event introducing educators to Workbench and enabling them to get started on the platform.
Whether teachers want to find a lesson to use in their class, explore a STEAM activity or share any resources that a teacher has created then Workbench can enable that for you.
Acquired by Google last year, Workbench is a content library for educators to discover, create, remix, and share lessons and resources. At ISTE 2019 Google launched a new integration with the Workbench Blockly programming canvas and Google Sheets. This enables users to build Blockly programs to control multiple Bluetooth devices (robots, drones, sensors, microcontrollers) and send that data to or retrieve data from Google Sheets.
Check out this Event Toolkit in the Events in a Box page on the GEG Leaders Portal and search fro Workbench - and if you run this event with your GEG don’t forget to report it in the Edu Activity App! (Please note only GEG Leaders have access to the GEG Leader Portal - if you are a GEG member and want to join or run this event please speak to your local GEG Leader).
GEG South Korea
GEGs in South Korea hosted 2 training sessions at the 2019 Software Education Festival organized by the Ministry of Education in Yeosu, South Korea. The sessions were designed to help get Korean teachers started on using Google for Education tools.
GEG Leaders Trainer Energizer in Mexico
On October 11th, Nay Belaunzarán (GEG Bajío, Mexico), Alfonso Pinzón and David Habib (GEG Campeche, Mexico), Ana Ma. Roa (GEG in Colombia) and Edward Morón (GEG Tacna, Peru) attended our first Trainer Energizer in LatAm region.
They shared a lot of knowledge to the group as well as learned new tools and training methodologies to continue their journey as trainers and leaders.
Thanks for creating a great community!
They shared a lot of knowledge to the group as well as learned new tools and training methodologies to continue their journey as trainers and leaders.
Thanks for creating a great community!
GEGs Around Tokyo Delivered Joint Event
On October 21st, 3 GEGs in Kanagawa Prefecture has joined together and delivered a joint event. This would be the fifth time of doing an event together. 53 teachers from the area attended the event, including the head of BOE and school superintendents. Learning the tools, discussing various topics, teachers had new connections. GEG Kamakura will continue to provide exciting and fun opportunities in the future.
On October 21st, 3 GEGs in Kanagawa Prefecture has joined together and delivered a joint event. This would be the fifth time of doing an event together. 53 teachers from the area attended the event, including the head of BOE and school superintendents. Learning the tools, discussing various topics, teachers had new connections. GEG Kamakura will continue to provide exciting and fun opportunities in the future.
Event Setup Guide for GEG Leaders in Google Classroom
As presented in a previous newsletter, GEGs in Brazil are joining a collaborative initiative to celebrate Teachers’ Day and Google Classroom's 5th anniversary. To support, more than 50 meetups are happening during the month of October and a "Tips for organizing a GEG Event" was published on the Google Classroom portal for GEG Brazil Leaders. Thanks Carla Arena for providing it!
New GEG leaders
A big welcome to new these Brazilian GEG members!
GEG Uberaba: Paulo Henrique Rafael de Souza
GEG Garopaba: Tariane Mattiazzi
GEG Cuiabá: Pedro Clarindo da Silva Neto
GEG Umuarama: Carla Zanfrilli, Érica Cunha, Cintia Araújo and José Luiz Borsatto
GEG Vila Velha: Maíra Franco Leone
GEG Porto Alegre: Taís Silveira Leão
GEG Barueri: Fernanda Lourenço
GEG Lima, Peru: Víctor Torres and Maritza Núñez
GEG Tacna, Peru: Lourdes Gonzáles
GEG Uberaba: Paulo Henrique Rafael de Souza
GEG Garopaba: Tariane Mattiazzi
GEG Cuiabá: Pedro Clarindo da Silva Neto
GEG Umuarama: Carla Zanfrilli, Érica Cunha, Cintia Araújo and José Luiz Borsatto
GEG Vila Velha: Maíra Franco Leone
GEG Porto Alegre: Taís Silveira Leão
GEG Barueri: Fernanda Lourenço
GEG Lima, Peru: Víctor Torres and Maritza Núñez
GEG Tacna, Peru: Lourdes Gonzáles
You’re invited to the SWE19 cohort graduation
Friends, family members, fellow educators, and GEG members and Trainers, the SWE19 cohort of Google Certified Innovators are pleased to welcome you to their graduation, project launches, and networking event!
Google Sweden, Kungsbron 2, 111 22 Stockholm, Sweden
Google Sweden, Kungsbron 2, 111 22 Stockholm, Sweden
Friday, 8th November, 15:30.
Agenda: 3:30pm Arrive & get settled
4pm: Pitches and graduation begins, learn about Google's certification programs
5pm: Hors d'ouvres, champagne, tour, and networking
Interested in joining us? Please RSVP here by Nov. 1st
Agenda: 3:30pm Arrive & get settled
4pm: Pitches and graduation begins, learn about Google's certification programs
5pm: Hors d'ouvres, champagne, tour, and networking
Interested in joining us? Please RSVP here by Nov. 1st
There have been some awesome freebies for Educators, Trainers and Innovators offered recently. Please make sure your GEG members haven’t missed out.
- Google Partner CLearning is offering an extended trial of the full EDU version of Soundtrap to all Innovators and Trainers which will integrate brilliantly with Google Classroom. To get your account setup, go to and enter the code clearning90.
- Pear Deck is offering Google Certified Educators, Innovators, and Trainers complementary Pear Deck Premium access for the 2019-2020 school year (value of $149). Click here to learn more about Pear Deck! With Premium for the Pear Deck add-on, easily attain real-time formative assessment through interactive question types and deliver powerful learning moments to every student straight form Google Slides. To learn more and claim Premium access, simply head to the Pear Deck Google Certified page and enter the password: welovegoogle. After submitting form information, please allow the Pear Deck team 2 weeks to upgrade your account. *Only available to new users who do not currently have a Premium Account individually or through their school or district.
- BookCreator is offering all Google Certified Trainers & Innovators a lifetime upgrade to the web version of Book Creator. You will get 3 libraries with 60 books in each (180 total), real-time collaboration and be able to invite co-teachers to join your library. Sign up for BookCreator
GEG Ohio
GEG Ohio are continuing their online monthly meetings. The next Virtual meeting is on October 31st through a live Google Hangout video conference and broadcast.
The purpose is to:
The purpose is to:
- Connect Google-using educators in and around Ohio
- Share the latest Google Apps news and features from the last month
- Provide tutorials, demonstrations, and how-to’s
- Share best practices of how Google Apps is being used within the districts
- Ask questions and get answers
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